What does it mean to be learner driven?
April 17, 2024How does OZ use technology and experiential learning?
Nestled on two park-like acres in the heart of the Ozarks in Rogers, Arkansas, OZ Acton Academy is pioneering a revolutionary approach to education. At OZ we believe in balancing the digital world with the real world.
At OZ, mornings start with what Acton Academies across the world call a Launch. This time is spent in collaborative conversation between mixed ages using the Socratic Method. In these discussions learners learn to listen, speak, and communicate effectively to other children and adults about an array of character forging topics. Additionally learners do team building exercises and set their daily, weekly, and when older - semester long goals. Through Launch discussions and goal setting learners develop skills like: leadership, integrity, accountability, time management, and excellence.
Following Socratic discussions, team building, and goal setting, learners begin tackling core skills on their computers. OZ implements incredible, self-paced eLearning tools that provide the rigor needed for mastering math, vocabulary, spelling, and grammar in about 90-120 minutes a day for older learners. For younger learners, the Montessori method is used until they are ready for computer work. When a learner of any age gets stuck, hands-on Montessori manipulatives are available to work through challenging areas like long division. Once mastered, the learner can return to their adaptive math lesson on the computer.
The remainder of the day is spent participating in engaging project-based/hands-on learning (Quests) that allow learners to step into the shoes of a scientist, Veterinarian, historical figure, robotics engineer, lawyer, playwright, or other world leader. As a learner expresses interest in subjects realized through Quests, older learners are guided through securing apprenticeships. A few times a week learners are exposed to engaging electives in art, music, recreation, and language.
Between these intervals of focused work (Launch, Core Skills time, and Quests) learners have free time to spend outside playing and working on other passion projects. The combination of these dynamic learning day parts is highly complementary and very effective for the 21st century. OZ uses technology and multiple other learning modalities to prepare learners to become the leaders, innovators, and world changers of tomorrow.