At OZ Acton Academy our daily work builds into a 4-day work week, which builds into 4-6 week Sessions, that are punctuated by Exhibitions to celebrate, and separated by Breaks to refuel:
Drop-Off/Pick-Up: We start drop-off at 8:30AM and studio begins at 9:00AM. Studio ends at 3:00PM, and learners must be picked up no later than 3:30PM.
4 Day Week: We are a four-day school week model with regular studio Monday through Thursday.
Fridays: We reserve some Fridays as optional participation for field trips, extended focus time for learners to pursue their passions, and end of session exhibition preparation and presentation.
Sessions: We have 7 sessions a year. Each session has a 4-6 week project sprint called a “Quest.”
Quests: We have 7 quests a year, each with a theme – like Rockets, Robots, Medical Biology, Detective Chemistry, Historical Playwriting, and Theatrical performance. Each Quest is a grand adventure that culminates in an exhibition for family and friends to attend.
Exhibitions: We have 7 exhibitions a year where learners showcase what they have learned through: projects, presentations, and performances to family and friends.
Breaks: We have 6-one week breaks between each session, 1-two week break for Christmas, and a 6 week summer break to refuel and spend time with family.
School Year: We begin the school year like traditional schools in the area in mid-August, however we work through the month of June, ending on the last Friday in June.